weekly progress report #5 - worse news :(

hello! I hope you are doing well today, unlike me...

so about the models for the game... I think I might've learned the wrong thing.
now before I get to everything do not I *might've*, Im not sure.
anyways I said I'd make models for the player, boss and a grass texture. I've got the models down (not completely) but I thought I'd have to make the animations in the same software I created the models. and Im not sure about that. I don't know if you noticed but all of this project is my own, I've got no one to give me advice either aside from google. which is why I pretty much have to do my own research. trial and error eh?

anyways, Im really sorry that there's been so much time without releasing any update after the tester version. keep in mind that I've never tried modelling or animating so I have to get everything down from zero. and it's not like I can apply anything from my programming knowledge.

anyways, I hope you're having a good time, take care :) 

Get The Lone Mage

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